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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Revenue generating options for Bernie's plans Pt. 2

Or has it?

2) Abandon the Pentagon's $2 trillion and counting plane that won't work, the F-35. To the right, do not be confused by potential jobs lost. That carrot don't stick. The money always trickles up and I assure you, paying for both the development of, AND the purchase of this plane, is not a winning economic strategy. Arms manufacturers are the ones who profit from these projects. And sustaining jobs in this sector is not a good enough reason to continue the obscene expenditure. Projects such as these should be understood to be inherently short-term. However, in our militarized society where defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin have become accustomed to such publicly financed cash cows as the F-35, surely the pressures to, if not invade and conquer, than to destabilize regions to drive defense spending and profits.

3) Jettison the proposed overhaul of the US' nuclear triad. $1 Trillion.

What say we start reducing stockpiles. Global warming may have reached the tipping point, but it's still within our direct grasp as the sole superpower, to put this threat to existence on earth under wraps.

4) If corporations are people, why don't they pay taxes?

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