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Friday, March 25, 2016

NPR Week in Politics referees GOP food fight, ignores voter suppression

NPR's Week in Politics manages to work in a pitch for Mrs. Clinton's foreign policy strength in the aftermath of the Belgium attacks, dedicating the remainder of the 7 minute slot to "rubber neck" the latest nuggets from the GOP's "scorched earth" presidential season.

This comes after playing a tasty tidbit of that strong foreign policy statement in which, when it comes to combating ISIS - a terror organization which she greatly enabled as Secretary of State when she had Ghadaffi snuffed - she carefully redefines what works in foreign policy.

"We need to rely on what actually works, not bluster that alienates our partners."

If by "works" she means, "fails miserably", I suppose it makes sense to stick with her plan.

Let's look at the first part: We take this to mean continuing the exact policy we have been using for the past 15 years in which, despite overthrowing at least four "threatening" countries in the Middle East and North Africa, running a global drone assassination program,  spending $3 trillion and counting - terrorism has increased five fold since 911?

Now the second:

"We came, we saw, he died." - Mrs. Clinton on camera in 2011 after learning Ghadaffi was dead (CLICK ABOVE TO WATCH)

The assassination of Ghadaffi and chaos of civil war would lead to a vacuum in leadership and the spread of ISIS four years later. See first part.

But never mind that.

With no hint of irony, David Brooks and EJ Dion, the dynamic duo of the right and left, respectively, then proceed to trudge through the latest Trump character defects. A conversation better suited to Dr. Phil.

Meanwhile at the ballot box:
In Maricopa County alone, election officials infuriatingly reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent. Such a drastic reduction meant there was only one polling place per 21,000 residents of the highly populated Phoenix metroplex. Some Voters had a five hour wait!
Clinton is silent on this major example of voter suppression, despite the Arizona Democratic Party calling for a Justice Department investigation. Gerrymandering of districts is an issue that has plagued the supreme court recently after the conservative majority stripped a key provision calling for federal review of redrawn districts, mostly in the south, to combat entrenched Jim Crow-era voting restrictions.

Save mention the overwhelmingly better performance of Bernie Sanders in open, caucus states meant to capture more voters we're Sanders smoked clinton 3-1 in both Idaho and Utah compared to closed primaries - Arizona - where Hillary is favored and where sonly the most fervid establishment Democrats can cast votes.

I guess Brooks and Dion don't want us to hurt our brains too much this election season. They are not alone. Nor the most egregious. But because we don't hold them accountable, we have the frontrunners we deserve.

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